Oct Week 3 – Weaving Community Connections

In the southern end of the Todd Mall, there’s a small popup space that’s acting as a venue for experimentation, arts and showcasing new Centralian ideas and innovations.

Over the recent weeks it  has been used by weaver and artist, Kirrily Jordan, as a “drop-in weaving space” where visitors can learn to weave and stay for as long as they like.

While Kirrily uses many different weaving techniques in her own practice, she is mostly teaching a coiling style called ‘mariposa’ or lace stitch, which is used in many weaving traditions across the globe. It is an easy stitch to learn and leaves small gaps between the rows, which suits this project perfectly. 

“Everyone is contributing to a shared community project making lanterns, and the gaps will let the light shine through. We’ll display the lanterns in events and festivals in Alice Springs next year, so if you come and add some stitches you’ll not only learn new skills and meet new people, but also get to see your creativity and contribution on show.  “

“I love sharing the age-old art of weaving and especially all the amazing social benefits it brings. The project celebrates the community of Alice Springs and says that each one of us has our own light to add to it.”

Participants can expect to be greeted with a palette of raffia threads to choose from, and a range of weaving options from beginner to more advanced. Play and experimentation are encouraged.

The intimate setting of the popup also fosters a community feel, with Kirrily’s  welcoming and supportive approach making everyone feel right at home.

Further information about opportunities to weave with Kirrily Jordan can be found via kirrilyjordan.art

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