Nov Week 1: New Possibilities for Kids and Community using Latest Wave Tech?

It is well known that the latest technological developments – and the reality of access to, literacy and impacts of –  technology in remote Australia, can often be worlds apart.

Over decades, many initiatives have endeavoured to harness the potential of technology to overcome challenges of living far away from mainstream services. Many of these Territory programs and innovations have indeed been world-leading – but as times change, so do the challenges of the given era. While some technologies become embedded, transformative and sustainable, others quickly become redundant or left to rust.

Solar and off-grid energy solutions are proven and effective. In 2023 there are even off-grid water harvesting technologies that may have the potential to play a role in the future. Advancements are being made in 3D Printing techniques, from houses, household objects and much more. 

But where are we at with the big technology consideration of our times:  digital connectivity, social inclusion and services accessibility?

The rollout of satellite internet service (i.e. Elon Musk’s StarLink) across Northern Australia in 2022, has changed the landscape forever. Where once internet as a basic service was a challenging consideration for many regional Australians, soon enough not being able to connect to the internet at high speed will be rare. 

What this means for humanity as a whole is an interesting topic (and if we come across some suitable researchers’ reports we will link to them here)… but what of the potential for engagement, education, health and enhanced liveability of Australia’s remote communities?

This week at Alice Springs’ popup experimental space, Felix Meyer will be sharing his experiences as a digital program deliverer (for over 10 years) and highlight opportunities for the future.

“I’ll be running some hands-on VR demonstrations but also sharing my approach to digital media production as a form of long-term community development. This includes e-education, e-health and interfacing with a bigger world of possibilities.”

“This week is all about starting conversations, sharing knowledge and considering ways to build up some better collective impact on the forward horizon.”

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